My bf is on vacation with his friend for 9 days. Its already been 4. He doesnt text me much except in the morning and sometimes at night. I text him at night to say goodnight and I love him and he texts back I love you too. Me and him ALWAYS text non stop and ever since hes at the beach its changed. Is he cheating? Is he just REALLY busy? Im SCARED SOO BAD hes going to break up with me. Please give me your advice. Thanks:)
Stressed out soo much! Easy EASY 10 points!?
Your way to worried. It doesn't sound like he is cheating on you. He is probably not texting you as much because he is having fun with his friend and is busy having fun. But he is being a good boyfriend by texting you at night and at random times. If you are really worried, you should just text him and ask him. Best of luck!
Stressed out soo much! Easy EASY 10 points!?
leave him alone, let him have his vacation and he will come back happy, then he will talk to you, back off let him breath
Just give him his free time :) Do u want his friends to be at the beach while hes on the phone wit u? i dont think hes cheating on u hes just enjoying his vacation. stop worrying so much u will have him back in only 5 days :)