Friday, October 7, 2011

I JUST started my period and im going to the beach tomorrow!!!?

ok i just started my period... as in a couple of hours ago!!! i going to be in the car all day tomorrow with my friend and i am prob gonna be to embarrassed to ask her parents to stop the car so i car change my pad or whatever and also there is the whole issue of getting in the water... i dont know how to use a tampon! please give me tips on things that i can do, thanks!
I JUST started my period and im going to the beach tomorrow!!!?
Beinggirl is the website I learned how to use a tampon from. These are the best links: >鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

The first link tells you how to use a tampon. The second link is a video to show you how to use a tampon. The third link helps you figure out your perfect pad. The fourth link helps you figure out wha your perfect tampon is. lol. I hope these links work! Best of luck! Have fun at the beach! :)
I JUST started my period and im going to the beach tomorrow!!!?
there are plenty of websites that show you how to use a tampon, and they even illustrate it. If you're going to be using a bathing suit its best that you use a tampon instread of a pad, just so it won't show. but if you're afraid of getting into the water, I don't really think you'll have a problem. my friends and I always go swimming especially now during the summer and the wierd thing with peridos is that once you get into the water you won't bleed. It's just nature. It's wierd but true. once you get out though you need to put a tampon in as soon as you can.
Buy a tampon. They all come with directions. Buy no today and ask your mom for further help. Please don't be scared to ask. You can't go in the water with a pad. Just tell them to stop the car and say that you have to use the restroom.

If your're going to be in the car all day, i'm sure they'll offer a bathroom break.鈥?/a>
Ask your mom tonight to explain how to use a tampon etc then ask her if she'll tell yours friends mom wen shes picking you up or watever and she will understand, usualy your first period isnt too heavy so a pad will be fine and then just before you go onto the ebach go and put a tampon in and go into the seaaa and forget aboutt it (for 6 hours) then wen your on your way back go to the toilets and change back to a pad, have a great dayyyy : )
Go for the tampon! It's really easy to use and much more sanitary. Plus, you can go into the water! I know it's scary, but give it a try. It does not hurt at all if applied correctly!

As for your friends, parents. A period is not as embarrassing as it seems. EVERY woman has them. This will include your friend's mom. Talk to her about it and I'm sure she will be discrete.

Have an awesome vacay! (Try the tampon! Best thing ever, I promise!)
Try wearing one from now till bed and insert it using these instructions as they got me through my first try...