I just realized that my period will becoming the week im on spring break...which would be a bit of a hassle with how much time i'll be spending at the beach. I'm on birth control right now i was wondering if there is any way i can switch it maybe by stopping taking pills for a week or something? I'm not on it for pregnancy prevention just for cramps and lightening it so thats not an issue. Any advice would be appreciated.
Changing when my period will come?
I had the same problem for my wedding. I was due for my period on my wedding day! No thanks!
So, I just took the 3 weeks of active pills, and skipped the sugar pills and went directly to the next pack. So you would be taking 6 weeks of active pills.
Make sense?
I asked my doctor if this was ok, she said it was fine to do but not often. Once in awhile for this type of thing is ok though.
Changing when my period will come?
I would switch them now so that you start about 2 weeks earlier then spring break. This way you can insure that you won't be on your period the week before, right at the end of Spring Breark. However, make sure that you go back to your normal routine of taking them or it may mess your cycle up a bit.
Instead of taking your sugar pills that week go straight to another pack of pills, or wait two weeks to restart pills to change when you will start your period (this may cause irregular bleeding through out the pack)
if you're on a daily pill, with the 5 or 7 sugar pills, then skip the sugar pills over spring break. just keep taking the hormone pills that week, and then take the sugar pills after spring break. no worries!!