They're ordianry pictures that Mcfaee, Flowers, Me my own pictures of a beach. Nothing wrong, no virus's and i learned how to fix it, except i can't configure setting because i have parental controls and my dad is not convinced on changing my settings!
Mcafee Keeps blocking ordainry things how to stop if you have parental blocks?
well i have McAfee and it really helps out a lot. Try getting the parental controls off yourself. And so when you look at stuff that maybe your parents don't want you to be looking at or sites that your parents probably don't want you to go to just go to tools on the internet toolbar and click internet options and there willl be a delete history button click it and you can delete cookies and your web site viewing history and stuff like that.
Mcafee Keeps blocking ordainry things how to stop if you have parental blocks?
change settings and select save
Nothing you can do since dad has set the controls.