Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why would millions of dead squid suddenly wash up dead on a beach?

Does anyone know what sea changes could have caused millions and millions of dead squid to suddenly, out of no where, wash up dead on a beach?

Any explanation is welcome!
Why would millions of dead squid suddenly wash up dead on a beach?
Lack of food, pollusion or ect. ect. ect.
Why would millions of dead squid suddenly wash up dead on a beach?
Pollution could be a contributor. Has there been an oil spill or something else toxic lately that you're aware of?
There had to be some kind of toxin in the water.
mass suicide?

Realistically, maybe water temperature changed. Even a small change in water temperature does affect marine life quite a lot. Another explanation could be some kind of toxic dumping in the ocean. And the reason they wash up on the beach together is because the live together, and in this case died together.
pollution, lack of food, a chemical that infected them (do squids flock together?)

or an alien invasion.
Check and see if there's a red tide bloom in the area. I remember a few years ago we had it bad here on the Gulf coast of Florida, and there were lots of dead fish. God it stank!
there could have been poison in the ocean and they all died :(
Because the Japanese would've been told that squid, and not whale and dolphin, were responsible for Hiroshima.
well from my experiences in the depths of bikini bottom, not to many sea creatures enjoy squidward

those dama squids probably were simotaneously playing there clarinets loud as hell and they were murdered by sucker fish and lobsters.
change of current, temperature or a boat carrying a **** load of dead squid crashed and spilled its contents into the sea. sorry you could probably have done without that annoying comment :p
Calamari.... mmmm
If you're referring to what is happening in Asian seas right now, scientists speculate that their environment has become too harsh for their habitation due to global warming heating up the seas in which they live.
Probably because they were dead, it would be difficult for them to wash up alive :)
Yea the last answer was kind of right but not in depth but they die alll of a sudden because of water change cause like honey bees they are weak to temp. Change and when this happens they will lock up not moving and drown. And it could be because of food loss cause there is millions and millions of them and there is also a thing called mating cause for a boy squid he will mate and die... :( what a life that is.
It's Because of all the changes in climate that the othe rpredators in their waters evade to find more food. They had a thing in the discovery channel about. Now the suid are the top predator and are eating ALL the fish. Meaning now there is an over poulation of the squid. Their called %26quot;Nauks%26quot;
there might have been an under Water eruption,these happen at any time ,and could be what causes a lot of unexplained sea disasters
There could be many causes but i'm going to the reason as what's been happening on our beaches and that's cuttlefish being washed ashore---lots of them and it could be due stormy sea,turbulence,under currents,also weed have been uprooted and tossed ashore. They could have been dead a long time owing to something that gave them a big electrical shock.
This is hardly a unique phenomenon. Usually, it occurs when there is an abrupt change in the direction of an undersea current of cold water. It happened (I think) toward the end of the 19th century in the Atlantic. There were miles of dead tilefish all over the surface of the water. It took the better part of a century for the population to recover.
I read what I think you are referring to,,and it was not millions of squirrels it was more then 100. Ill list the link to it in the source.
I think they washed up dead because they were dead. It is, however, possible they washed up alive, then died, in which case they didn't wash up dead... tough one that...