eat an ENTIRE live sheep, fur, feet, everything
go to school/work butt naked.
cut down a large tree with a butter knife
eat rocks only for a month?
never brush your teeth ever again?
never wash and brush your hair ever again?
be chased by a man eating shark?
count all the grains of sand on a beach?
change your name to Big Fat Unicorn With A Tatoo?
laugh whenever something really really sad happens?
Would you rather...?
the laughing one.
I love to laugh.
Would you rather...?
cut tree
never brush or wash my hair
1. Naked.
2. Cut the tree.
3. Never brush my teeth. (I have really thick hair I can't even imagine...)
4. Count all the grains.
5. I usually try to laugh when something sad happens anyway, so...
Change my name to Big Fat Unicorn with a Tattoo~!
Go to school naked.
Cut down a tree with a butterknife. wtf?
Never wash my hair again.
Count all the grains of sand on a beach. A 3 foot beach. :]]
Laugh whenever something sad happens.
1. Go to school butt naked. (i'm a vegetarian. poor sheep!)
2. Cut down the tree wit ha butter knife.
3. Never brush my teeth again.
4. Count all the grains of sand.
5. Change my name.
work naked
cut a tree with a butter knife
brush my hair (im bald)
man eating shark
laugh when something bad happens
laugh when something really sad happens, it is a coping thing, would rather laugh than cry
i'd rather.......
go to work butt naked
eat rocks for a month
never brush my teeth again
count all the grains of sand on a beach
laugh when somethin sad happens
Eat sheep
Cut down a tree w/butter knife
Never wash or brush my hair
Count the grains of sand
Just call me BFUWAT for short.
1.Work naked. Sheep is icky.
2.How big are these rocks? Ill eat small rocks. My friends kid does its funny.
3.Ohhh this is a tough one. I'll brush my teeth and either grow dreads or shave my hair off. That was a good one.
4.Be chased and not eaten right? Ill be chased by the shark.
5.Laugh when something sad happens i like to laugh.
I liked this do it again do it again do it again. Please.
go to work butt naked! I'm not modest or ashamed.
cut down a large tree with a butter knife. I don't want to poop rocks!
never wash and brush my hair ever again. I need my teeth to eat.
be chased by a man eating shark. Live a little!
change my name - the other is just too cruel.
My choices would be.....
Go to school butt naked (Embarrassing but at least it's not gross. Plus I can always change schools or something.)
Cut down a large tree with a butter knife. (I don't think it'll be easy to swallow those rocks, or healthy for that matter.)
Never wash and brush my hair again. (My teeth are to precious to ruin them. Plus I didn't spend 3 years wearing braces for nothing.)
Count all the grains of sand on a beach (Ever since I saw Jaws when I was 5, I'm terrified of sharks...and water)
Change my name to Big Fat Unicorn With a Tattoo (It'll be an interesting conversation starter; plus it won't make me look heartless and evil.)