Im pretty confident and have the body for it. Im 16, but everyone who meets me thinks im 19 because I just look older. Does my age change your view? What if it was a person in their 20's?
Im not just trying to get attention but the full-seat bikinis are really uncomfortable for me, I never even wear regular underwear on a day-to-day basis.
Is it okay for me to wear a thong bikini on a CT beach?
sure! i'm 46, and i always wear a thong at the beach.
Is it okay for me to wear a thong bikini on a CT beach?
In CT, you'll get a lot of strange stares. That's great that you're confident, but first off CT is a pretty conservative state and at 16 you shouldn't be wearing something like that in public. If you were 25 frankly it still wouldn't matter. Save the thongs for a trip to Brazil. Totally inappropriate for your age and this part of the country.
yes. i only wear thongs or g-strings
legally you can, but it is not very classy and people are going to be looking at you and not in the nicest of ways.
No one should wear thong bikini's period. Remember kids go to the beach too and would you want a 5 yr old of yours seeing that?
Yes why not. If you have the body for it, and you are comfortable wearing one on a beach, go for it. I only wear thongs, really g-strings I like them better.
Do what you want if you have the body for it go ahead. I went to CT last summer and I must warn you they have a very traditional upper-echelons population and may not take to kindly to your bikini wear. However, you should do it and go to mystic its very open-minded for Ct.
Yes. As long as you dont resemble a beached whale.
if its on the beach or at a strip club then its okay.
if you wear it anywhere else where its not okay to show that much skin then theres a problem. but otherwise go ahead.
honestly, its a beach and people will get naked(not fully but mostly) and kids will always be around. its the parents or guardian's responsibility to tell the kids its normal at the beach.
so go ahead and wear it without shame
I personally would not want to, simply because you will probably get a lot of creepy older men staring at you. This happened to me and my friends as teens even if we were wearing very modest swim suits. When I see young girls wearing things like thongs in public I find it kind of disturbing and even a little bit gross. No offense meant here...just my opinion.
As long as it's a beach, I honestly can't see an issue. The last thing I want to be wearing when I'm at the beach is something that's uncomfortable, and I find full seat ones uncomfortable too. Plus, they leave awful tanlines.
Again, age isn't an issue. The only thing I might say is that you should go with friends.