...so why do we say %26quot;god did it%26quot;?
you can sit and watch the ocean waves change the shape of the beach...adding sand here, removing sand there
the mountains in Hawaii have grown taller just in my short lifetime
you can pour water on a seed and watch it grow into a plant
if you watch through a microscope, you can see sperm fertilize an egg and watch the egg grow into an autonomous creature
...so why conclude %26quot;god did it%26quot; when we all can see otherwise?
By simple observation, we can see natural forces slowly forming and changing the earth...?
because...%26quot;goddidit%26quot; is a convenient excuse for things some people don't understand or are unwilling to admit are natural forces
By simple observation, we can see natural forces slowly forming and changing the earth...?
Because it's impossible for nature to create nature. [/sarcasm]
I read it in his book.
Because god created all of the processes you just mentioned so that we lowly humans may watch in wonder at all he has given us. Didn't you get that memo?
most people believe that god set up the system
Like winding a watch once its started it can run by itself for a period of time
As a deist, I see the evidence of an intelligent Creator although I make no claim that this Creator is responsible for anything other than life.
Now if we could only observe water appearing from nothing. Let alone sand.
Some people can't see it, obviously. Some people think they have a celestial version of 'made in Taiwan', stamped on their butts, instead on being born. They will come up with the old, 'but god made the waves, beach, sand' etc. There is no reasoning with the barking mad delusional, even with the obvious. ;)
Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks
A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse.[1] Horses and donkeys are different species, with different numbers of chromosomes. ...Why would God allow two complete different animals to make a baby? Huh? What do you get if you cross a Humming Bird with a Dingo?----ans. A Humdinger?
Well my friend you have a serious problem. A problem with faith. WE DO NOT JUST SAY GOD DID IT ALL! HE DID DO IT ALL. How do you explain the great flood? How do you explain how Earth got here? Now, things do change on Earth but God has his mighty hand on it.
You are a very foolish young man. God will forgive you though.
Pray and ask for His forgiveness.
let me take you mind on a quick trip, just to let you see how I see
close your eyes and think back, before your life, before the big bang... back into a faded nothing dark abyss which was all.... and with that state of mind, I want you to apply a question... what is the probability of life, existence, and everything that is, actually becoming?
seems impossible, and all we have are details that really point in no general direction or clear answer
therefor, God is the only thing we've ever known
It is nothing but an appeal to ignorance and an easy way out that does not require much in the way of thinking and testing one's hypotheses.
Most people, like Legoboy above are apparently unaware that a.there was never a %26quot;great flood%26quot;, and b.we have damn good scientific theories explaining precisely how Earth %26quot;got here%26quot; as well as the origins of stars, of the elements in the Universe and--more hypothetical but still plausible--the origin of the Universe itself.
As long as humans cannot explain a process, God becomes very handy. Not too long ago humans prayed to gods and danced for rain, offered sacrifices to deities in exchange for abundant crops and fertility.
We have discovered vaccines to cure and eradicate diseases, we have developed agriculture and created hybrid seeds and plants to feed billions of people, we have cloned life forms and mapped the DNA sequence which defines life, we have discovered the power of the atom and harnessed its energy. In conclusion, as scientific discoveries explain and change the world around us God will become less relevant. Still, for some people 'god did it' is a comfort zone.