I recently moved to Texas from Oregon, and although I like Texas a lot i am completely appalled and disgusted by the amount of garbage that is spread all over ( and I mean everywhere!) the beach. Everybody here just seems to throw their garbage all over the beach. There isnt a clean area of beach to stretch out and relax on. I have seen dirty diapers, styrafoam cups, milkjugs, tall white buckets, wrappers, alcohol containers, fishing lures, plastic wrap from cigarette packs and things like that. It%26#039;s disgusting and everywhere. I am used to going to the beach and seeing very little garbage. It looks clean and it%26#039;s beautiful when you visit. Oregons beaches were very well taken care of and rarely did I see garbage. How can I bring this to attention and who do I need to start with at trying to make people realize what they are doing by littering. I%26#039;d like to really get some support and hopefully someone in charge of changing things like this in the State to start making changes!|||Guessing that Texas probably had a %26quot;beach cleanup%26quot; similar to the one we have in Oregon, I did a quick search and found this information:
%26quot;On Saturday, Sept. 22, 2007 the Texas General Land Office will once again sponsor their Adopt-A-Beach Cleanup. This event, which has been held twice per year (spring and fall) since 1988, attempts to essentially “sweep” the coast clean from Port Arthur to Port Isabel. Since that first event, the Adopt-A-Beach program has seen 328,000 volunteers remove over 6,200 tons of trash from beaches across Texas.
In addition to removing trash from Texas beaches, Adopt-A-Beach provides critical data, which helps monitor offshore dumping.
This fall’s event with take place at 29 sites up and down the Texas coast. %26quot;
I would contact the Texas Land Office (link is below) and make sure that the beach you moved to is on their list. If not, they would be the ones to see that it is added and cleaned up. And you can either help in the cleanup, or help get out the information announcing the cleanup. Ask their suggestions for how to get the word out to help keep it clean. Remember all the %26quot;Keep Oregon Green%26quot; signs with the graphic of throwing trash into a trash can that we used to have along our highways (late 1970%26#039;s I think)?
Off the Land Office site they had the kind of information you were looking for to help in your cause. Here%26#039;s hoping Texas%26#039; beaches can be as nice as Oregon%26#039;s.|||Tell the mayor then make some friends get together with some friends and help pick up. Hope I helped|||Girly has it right... community business associations hate that kind of thing too. i heard of one case where a person posted a video to youtube and sent the link to the local chamber of commerce. i bet that got attention.|||On the East Coast of Canada, there is a volunteer org. that goes around the beaches every year to clean up exactly the junk you describe. (In Edmonton, we have one of the most impressive river valleys in the world, and yet we, too, have to get our volunteers together every year and pull out fridges, cars, and all manner of garbage from our riverbanks.) Generally, Canadians are less likely to litter than Americans so it%26#039;s less of a problem, but alot of that stuff comes up on the beach from the ocean itself, esp. tampons, condoms, etc. In your home State they may have even paid ppl to comb the beach to keep it clean, as each tide brings in a new wave of filth.
However, I highly recommend that if this is a serious bee in your bonnet, look to creating such a volunteer org yourself. Someone%26#039;s got to do it, and it%26#039;s better coming from an impassioned, motivated person. And new residents who can see a problem with a fresh eye are some of the best citizens in thier adopted home.
Though I might go a little looney and carry around big signs and harrange the litterers myself. When it comes to being powered-by-rage, I%26#039;m a performance artist.
Here are some websites to help. And as a side note, you just pole vaulted into environmentalism. Congratulations! What the heck did you think it was, anyway?|||Contact your friends and family then contact Home Depot. They may donate some garbage bags to your cause. In other words, get up and take action yourself. If we all did a little more of it there would be ALOT less trash spread about.|||Al Gore.|||You are right to be concerned about the trashed out beaches. The best thing you can do is organise voluteers to clean it up. That doesn%26#039;t mean you shouldn%26#039;t try to stop it at it%26#039;s sorce. There are thousands of off shore drilling rigs oil platforms and ships from all over the world in the Gulf of Mexico. Good luck.|||Take a few photos of one of the more %26quot;photogenic%26quot; spots and send them to the local newspaper or TV station. They love that kind of story.
Also keep a litter log so you can see if and when the beaches are cleaned, and how thoroughly. It might be the contractors are dropping the ball and they just haven%26#039;t been busted yet. Make some noise!|||I think it would be a good idea to let the surrounding local companies know that because there%26#039;s garbage everywhere that you won%26#039;t be going to the beach and that they%26#039;ll be missing out on the possible business that you wont be bringing in. It%26#039;s a good idea to put those ideas in the city and those that are supposed to take care of the beach. Maybe get the cops involved, tell them that no one is being ticketed for littering and that you%26#039;re sick of it. Im sure they%26#039;ll love to ticket people. Maybe start a petition or get your local news involved. They love to dig up scandals: Beach new dumping ground? Beach littering common practice? Littered beach gone unnoticed?|||Chief Seatle said over a hundred years ago that those who sleep in their garbage will die in it
the people who contaminate their world will get what is coming to them
it is the peoples fault
they are to blame, human beings,Mankind ,no other species is guilty
Contact the people who do the dumping
the Government is far away ,and they are not throwing dirty diapers on the beach
At least i hope not .|||Pick it up yourself. If your appaled and disgusted by the amount of garbage , then pick it up yourself.